Wedding Photography Start at $3600
Cruise Weddings Start at $2500
Videography Start $3000
Concierge: Start at $1800
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Fiance's Name:
Fiance's Email address:
Phone Number
Event Date ( if you do not have one, pick a desired date )
What type of service are you interested in?
Is this a Disney Wedding?
Tell me about your locations and times for
Pre reception
Dessert party
Do you have a ceremony venue picked out?
Do you have a reception location picked? If so, what is the name
Are you in Orlando, maybe we can meet for a drink or donuts?
We want to know about you. How did you two love birds meet?
What do you like about my work?
Let's be social media buddies. What is your Facebook and instagram username?
Where are you in the booking stage?
How important is Photography for you ?
Best way to contact you?
How did you hear about us?
What services best interest you?